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Welcome to the Exhibition portal

Below you can view the list of available stands for EUROCK 2025, and you can view the Floor plan by clicking the "View Interactive Floor plan" button.

If you are interested in booking a stand, please click "Create new boooking" to create a new account in the Exhibition portal. If you already have an account, you can view and modify your existing booking by signing in with your email address and password. 

How to pay for the stand? After you have created an account, and booked a stand inside the exhibition portal, you can use the Invoice and Payment tab to complete the purchase. 

Forgot password? click here

If you have any difficulties or need assistance, please contact: post@atlanticmice.no


All amounts are inc. VAT and in NOK (Norwegian kroner). 


Sponsorship registration

If you did not sign up as a sponsor when you first registered,
but would like to do so now, please fill out this form.

Available Stands

New Booking

Create New Booking

Existing Booking
