Pre-congress Tour

PRICE:  5300 NOK inc. VAT

This is a tour for them that want to see some more from Norway and visit some places that we are proud to show. The tour will start from Gardermoen airport were the participates will be picked-up by the bus. The bus will depart from Gardermoen to Gjøvik at 11:30 AM, where we will visit the word largest rock cavern, the Gjøvik Olympic cavern, that has a span of 62 m. We will have a guided tour and lunch here.

After the visit, we will be transported by the bus to Hundefossen where the Norwegian Mountain Blasting Museum is situated. The museum won in 2018 the "Innovative Underground Space Concept of the Year" by the International Tunnelling Association (ITA). We will have guided tour in the museum, and afterwards will the bus go to Thon Hotel at Vinstra where we will have the dinner and stay for the night.

After the breakfast, the bus will take us to Sohlbergplassen, the viewing point at Atnsjøen lake, curves gently around slender pine trees. The platform frames the view towards the lake and the rounded peaks of the Rondane massif almost exactly as they appear in Harald Sohlberg’s famous painting “Winter’s Night in Rondane”.

The next stop will be at Folldal Mines that is one of 15 works included in the Directorate for Cultural Heritage’s national program for industrial heritage. It consists of 70 buildings, slag heaps and tips. Today, it is a vibrant museum with exhibitions, way-marked trails, café, accommodation and the main attraction - the mine. The group is divided into two, where one group travels into the mine by a mine train and the other can visit the museum, and then they switch. Before we travel on, lunch is served at Gruvekroa, which serves traditional food based on regional flavours 

The next stop along the route will be at Minera skifer (Minera slate) where we will visit the Oppdal/Offerdal slate quarry where we get information about how the slate is mined and treated.

After the visit to Minera slate quarry, the bus will take us to Trondheim and the hotels. We hope to be there by 7 pm.